Registration opens on
Sunday, 9 June 24 at 6 p.m.

Click here for registration

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Registration Rules:

  1. The new Registration form will appear on this page at Sunday, 9 June at 6 p.m.
  2. We can host a maximum number of 100 people, so don’t be late!
  3. Please note that we kindly ask you to dance the socials in the role you registered for. *
  4. After registration you will get an email confirming that we got your registration, including all the data you have provided to us. Please do not book any travel arrangements at this time, because this first mail just states that we know you want to come!
  5. Within 2 weeks after your registration you will get either a “waiting list” statement, or payment instructions as follows:
  6. If you register as a couple, both of you need to fill in a registration form!
  7. If you register as a couple, lead and follow of the same level and track, you will receive an email with payment instructions after we have checked if there are still places available in your chosen track and level.
  8. If you register as a couple, but for different levels/tracks, we will place you on top of the waiting list according to your level and choosen track. As soon as there is a dancer of the opposite role and same level and track registering, we will take you in and send you an email with detailed payment instructions. 
  9. If you register as a single lead or follow, we will place you on the waiting list according to your level and choosen track. As soon as there is a dancer of the opposite role and same level and track registering, we will take you in and send you an email with detailed payment instructions.
  10. After you have paid on time (you have 10 days to do this!) you will get the final “you are in” confirmation email. Then it is time to arrange your travel.
  11. The attendee is responsible to cover all PayPal or bank transfer fees.
  12. Tickets are non-refundable. With confirmation of the organizers tickets are transferable to a person of the same dance role as well as chosen level, track and package. Get instructions and confirmation on ticket transfer from Rudi (
  13. These are the registration rules for the attendees of the Hülly Hop Swing Farm. 
If you do not agree with these rules during registration (and do not agree with the general rules) you will not be able to attend the Hülly Hop Swing Farm.

* The experience of other events shows that some female followers register as leads, but they actually don’t dance socially as a lead at all. Since we aim for a role balanced event to provide all our participants with the best possible dance experience, we need as many leads as follows, so everyone gets to dance.