Food and Drinks Package for only 120 €:
Food: 2 x Breakfast, 2 x Lunch, 3 x Coffee & Cake, 2 x Dinner, 2 x Midnight snack,
Drinks: all alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks (bionade, cola, beer, red/white wine,  water, tea and coffee)

We will take care of all your needs regarding food and drinks. Full board is included in this packages, so you will enjoy common breakfast, lunch, coffee & cake, and dinner. At the parties we will serve an additional midnight snack, e.g. a soup. Coffee and tea are available throughout the day.

Drinks (alcoholic and non alcoholic cold and got drinks) will be available at self service and are included in your package.

Free drinking (tap) water will be supplied at all classes and parties.

Please let us know with your registration if you need specific food (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, koscher, straight edge …), we will try our best to meet your needs.